The National Association of Ordnance Contractors is the industry trade association representing companies who perform munitions response and related services globally. Our membership consists of over 80 companies in three categories: Very Small (less than $5 million in annual revenue), Small (less than 500 employees) and Large (greater than 500 employees).

All companies are eligible to apply. Membership is awarded upon approval of the Board of Directors. Membership dues rate structure is commensurate to business size and payable yearly by April.

NAOC has a referral program for new members. If a member company is listed on a New Member Application Form, then the current member company can save $250 on their membership dues. If you were referred by an individual from a member company please list their information on your application.

To request a copy of the NAOC's "Articles of Association" please contact NAOC's Secretary, Melanie Enman.

To Submit an application or update your current member information please complete the application form provided below.

Please submit your Company logo electronically to Christian Baum at [email protected]

Top 10 Reasons to Join NAOC

1. ACCESS to Government and industry decision makers

2. PARTNERING opportunities with key clients

3. NETWORKING with a strong portfolio of munitions response companies

4. INFLUENCE program funding and industry standards

5. EXPOSURE to evolving industry technologies

6. TIMELY UPDATES on explosives safety and technology-related guidance

7. INFORMATION exchanges on all aspects on munitions response


9. TRAINING opportunities on new technologies and guidance

10. BEING A PART of a nationally recognized leader in munitions response

2025 Annual Membership Dues

Large Business: $5,647
Small Business: $4,033
Very Small Business: $2,016

Membership Application Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

The National Association of Ordnance Contractors is a tax-exempt professional association of firms who actively support and participate in the munitions response industry. Membership is open to all companies which perform Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) investigations, studies, or remediation, or which perform services in a related or supporting field. Please request a copy of the NAOC's "Articles of Association" for additional information.

The basic objectives of NAOC are to represent and promote the interests of its members and the public in the field of MEC related work.  These objectives include having NAOC serve as the industry's spokesman for MEC contractors; facilitating communications with governmental agencies; promoting the quality, effectiveness and safety of MEC-related work and coordinating with technology providers to focus their efforts on developments which will benefit members and clients.

Dues payment for the full year is due on or before 1 April of each membership year.

In the event that non-payment is not cured within 60 days of payment due (June 1), the member will be subject to immediate termination by the BOD, and all benefits, i.e., website, attendance at meetings, etc. will be terminated.  Please refer to NAOC’s Articles of Association, Section III for Membership guidelines.

 For new membership application, NAOC pro-rates membership by quarter year. For example, if the company applies in January, full yearly dues are required with the application, if applying in e.g. April, they dues are ¾ of the year, July ½ of the yearly dues etc.


  • Member applications are subject to approval by the NAOC Board of Directors.
  • Designee will receive all NAOC correspondence and should be the attendee at association meetings.  Alternate will receive emails only. 
  • Information such as estimated revenue, approximate number of employees/offices, and major office is requested to provide a profile of the membership so that we may better represent NAOC.   Information may be approximate (+/-10%).
  • Primary NAICS code – please provide one single NAICS code that best represents the work your company does that is NAOC related. The NAICS code and business category/size will be shown on NAOC’s website under the members page that can be viewed by the public
  • Major business locations are those with approximately 100 employees or more.  For firms with less than 5 offices meeting this criterion, please identify your 5 largest offices not including the corporate headquarters office identified on page 3.  Zip codes are essential for the information to be utilized effectively (e.g., to determine congressional districts). 

Are you a new member looking to join NAOC or a current member updating company information? *
Size Standard Based on Primary NAICS Code: *
Small Business Socioeconomic Status: (Check all that apply) *
Small Disadvantaged Business Category

Does your firm have existing lobby efforts or membership in organizations with lobby efforts?
Do you agree to abide by the NAOC Articles of Association Acknowledgement? (see below file) *

Articles of Association