April 12, 2019
To prepare for the next revision of EM 200-1-15, Technical Guidance for Military Munitions Response Actions, the USACE EM CX is offering NAOC a chance to provide input before the formal revision process begins. USACE has stated that comments, questions, and suggestions provided will be considered upon next revision to this EM. I don’t remember this happening in recent years – being asked to provide suggestions on how a document should be revised before the formal process begins gives our industry an excellent opportunity to influence the content of the document, rather than simply providing comments on what has already been decided.
USACE has asked that NAOC’s review should identify known discrepancies between this document and other regulations, policies or guidance. They further asked that, if appropriate, we should provide additional material or examples that may help illustrate or support our comments, concerns, or suggestions. Comments due to James by Friday, April 12 to give us time to collate them and submit them to USACE by their requested suspense date. As usual, comments will be submitted from NAOC without individual names and emails.
Thank you in advance for your efforts!