January BOD Meeting
January 12, 2022
The Janaury Board of Directorys Meeting will be held January 12th. BOD meetings are open to the entire membership. Reach out to the president Neil Feist for an invite to the Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Date | Title |
1/16/25 | Board of Directors Meeting |
Date | Title |
12/10/24 | M2S2 Evening Reception |
12/10/24 | Board of Directors Meeting |
Date | Title |
11/28/24 | Operations and Standards Monthly Committee Call |
11/20/24 | Technology Committee Monthly Call |
11/13/24 | Monthly Board of Directors Call |
11/13/24 | NAOC-USACE M2G2 Quarterly Call |
11/5/24 | Membership Committee Monthly Call |
Date | Title |
10/24/24 | Operations and Standards Monthly Committee Call |
10/16/24 | Technology Committee Monthly Call |
NAOC supports and endorses the EOD Warrior Foundation and its mission to improve the quality of life for the EOD family. Click here to learn more about the EOD Warrior Foundation.